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The & Partnership  |   2012 - 2018   |   Senior Copywriter

A Brighter Home for Everyone

This campaign sparked some brilliant ads from the creative teams. Sadly, the best one isn't an ad I had anything to do with (look up 'TalkTalk 'Date Night' on YouTube - it's glorious), but, I did get to write some lovely stuff of my own.
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I remember this photo like it was yesterday. Believe it or not, the shot was taken on Blackheath in November. And it had been snowing for an hour. Cue a lot of retouching later... 

Taking inspiration from a kid's classic we warmly demonstrated that TalkTalk's value broadband could handle families of any size, and their friends, as well as their friends friends.
TalkTalk, A Brighter Home for Everyone, Aitchisoncreative
Esperesso, get in touch, Aitchisoncreative

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